- 1kg/2lb fillets of white fish
- 500g/1lb courgettes
- 1 onion cut into wedges – or 1 fennel bulb if can’t eat onions.
- 4 whole, unpeeled garlic cloves
- 1kg/2lb tomatoes, halved. If time, pop out the pips.
- 1 large sprig fresh rosemary
- 2 fresh sprigs of thyme
- 4 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 scant tablespoon caster sugar
- 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
- Celtic sea salt and pepper.
Serves 4.
- Cut the courgettes into thick slices and chop around the core to remove it. You can leave the core in, but I find it tastes rather bitter and that courgettes taste much nicer without it.
- Heat the oven to 240°C/450°F or gas mark 8.
- Season the fish with the salt and pepper.
- Put the courgettes, tomatoes and herbs into a big roasting dish and pour over the oil. Turn the veg about in the oil to coat them.
- Pour over the balsamic vinegar and sprinkle over the sugar. Season with salt and pepper.
- Put into the oven, uncovered, for about 35 mins, giving it all a bit of a stir a couple of times if possible.
- If time and patience allow, fish out most of the bits of courgette and put them to one side.
- Put the fish on top of the tomatoes etc, lightly coat with oil, then return to the oven for about 10 mins until the fish is just cooked through. Exact timing will depend upon the thickness of the fillets. If the fillets have skin on, make sure the skin faces upwards.
- Take the fish off the tomatoes, put them somewhere warm. Take out the thyme and rosemary twigs then tip the tomatoes etc into a saucepan and whizz them up with a hand held blender.
- Taste the sauce and adjust the seasonings if necessary. If it is a bit thick, add a little water or white wine. Add the courgettes then reheat, bringing to the boil if wine was used.
- Serve the sauce with the fish.