- Lamb. Could be chops or possibly a leg.
- Olive oil
- Lemon juice
- Fennel
- Chilli powder
- Good salt
- Broad beans
- Fresh herbs, snipped up.
- Cut or snip the lamb into fork sized chunks.
- Put into a glass bowl and pour over some olive oil and the rest of the ingredients except for the broad beans and fresh herbs.
- Stir it all about and, if possible, leave to marinate for an hour or so.
- Pod the broad beans, then steam or boil until just done. Drain.
- Heat a frying pan, then add the lamb plus marinade.
- Fry, not too vigorously, until almost done to taste.
- Add the beans and stir it all about to heat the beans and cover them with the juices.
- Serve up and sprinkle over the herbs.
I served this with a little white rice, which I had boiled with a few cumin seeds, then finished in a little olive oil. The herbs: could be flat leaved parsley, I actually used Thai Basil since that too is a little aniseedy.
Quantities: I’d allow about 8 oz/225 gm meat per person. It doesn’t need a huge amount of olive oil; just enough to cover the meat and leave it in a shallow puddle. And squeeze over some lemon juice – maybe¼ a lemon per 1lb/ 454gm meat. Allow plenty of broad beans.
This was fine for dinner. I deliberately made too much, with the intention of eating the rest of the lamb for breakfast. Next morning, it didn’t look too good, to put it mildly. Well, the flavours had developed overnight, and it was utterly delicious. All I can say it is worth making this the day before and gently re-frying it for the next day’s dinner (or breakfast).